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25 Surprising Facts You Didn’t Know About Craig Federighi

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24 mins
Apple Facts
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  • Who knew Apple’s software guy is a heavy metal fan?
  • You’ve heard his jokes, but did you know he nearly ditched tech for music?
  • From NeXT to macOS, he’s been Steve Jobs’ go-to guy for decades.
  • Read on for the top 25 facts about Apple's Craig Federighi.

Craig Federighi, Apple’s charismatic Senior Vice President of Software Engineering, is often recognized for his sharp sense of humor and his iconic, slicked-back hair—earning him the nickname "Hair Force One." But beyond the public persona he projects during Apple’s high-profile keynotes, there’s so much more to the man who oversees iOS, macOS, and all things software at Apple. From his musical tastes to his history with Steve Jobs, here are 25 fascinating facts that you probably didn’t know about Craig Federighi.

1. The "Hair Force One" Moniker

Federighi’s signature hairstyle has made him a fan favorite. The nickname "Hair Force One" first surfaced among Apple enthusiasts and quickly stuck. Even Tim Cook has referred to Federighi by this title during Apple events, a testament to how it has become a part of his larger-than-life persona.

Craig Federighi (left) with Tim Cook (right).Photo via Apple Inc. // Craig Federighi (left) with Tim Cook (right).

2. He’s a Heavy Metal Fan

You wouldn’t expect it, but Federighi is a huge fan of the Canadian rock band Rush. He’s even referenced them on stage during Apple’s WWDC, blending his love for music with his professional platform.

3. He’s Led Both macOS and iOS Teams

In October 2013, Federighi made history by becoming the first Apple executive to lead both the Mac and iOS software teams. This dual responsibility has shaped how Apple's operating systems have come to work more seamlessly together.

4. Started His Career at NeXT

Federighi’s connection to Steve Jobs goes way back. Before Apple’s acquisition of NeXT in 1996, Federighi was already working under Jobs at NeXT, where he led the development of the Enterprise Objects Framework.

A world where people do not care about the quality of their experience is not a good world for Apple. A world where people care about those details and want to complain about them is the world where our values shine.— Craig Federighi

5. He Left Apple, Only to Return Years Later

Though he was initially part of the Apple family post-NeXT acquisition, Federighi left in 1999 to work at Ariba, an enterprise IT company. But like many others who left, Apple pulled him back in 2009, and the rest, as they say, is history.

6. Poked Fun at Apple’s Obsession with Design

While Apple takes design very seriously, Federighi isn’t afraid to have a little fun with it. At WWDC 2014, he jokingly praised Apple’s beautifully crafted trash can icon, saying, “You wouldn’t believe how much time we spend crafting a trash can.”

7. He’s a Champion of Making Coding Cool

Federighi has been vocal about the importance of coding education, once saying, “Coding is fundamental to literacy in the future.” He believes that learning to code should be seen as essential as learning to read and write.

8. Holds Both Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees from UC Berkeley

Federighi earned both his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from the University of California, Berkeley, solidifying his deep technical background.

Craig Federighi (left) with Jony Ive (right). Jony Ive is Apple's former head of industrial design.Photo via Apple Inc. // Craig Federighi (left) with Jony Ive (right). Jony Ive is Apple's former head of industrial design.

9. He’s Known for His Dad Jokes

Whether it’s during a WWDC keynote or a product launch, Federighi has a penchant for making “dad jokes”—quips that are equal parts cringeworthy and charming. His light-hearted humor often lightens up the otherwise technical presentations.

10. Nearly Left Tech to Pursue Music

Federighi’s love for music almost took him down a different career path. At one point, he seriously considered leaving the tech world to pursue his passion for music full-time, but the lure of working with Steve Jobs again ultimately won out.

11. Played a Major Role in Apple’s Privacy Push

Federighi has been one of the driving forces behind Apple’s growing emphasis on user privacy. His presentations on privacy features in iOS and macOS have made it clear that he’s passionate about protecting user data.

12. An Avid Outdoorsman

When he’s not glued to a screen, Federighi enjoys spending time outdoors. Whether it’s hiking or exploring nature, the Apple exec finds balance in being active outside of work.

Great software has seemingly limitless potential to solve human problems - and it can spread around the world in the blink of an eye. Malicious code moves just as quickly, and when software is created for the wrong reason, it has a huge and growing capacity to harm millions of people.— Craig Federighi

13. Federighi Helped Usher in Dark Mode

Love Dark Mode on macOS or iOS? You can thank Federighi for that. He was a key advocate for bringing this popular feature to Apple’s platforms, emphasizing the importance of user choice in interface customization.

14. He’s Not Afraid of the Spotlight

Federighi’s presence at Apple’s events is no accident. He’s become one of Apple’s most prominent faces, often delivering major announcements with a blend of technical expertise and charisma, effectively becoming the public face of Apple software.

15. Led the Introduction of Swift Programming Language

Apple’s Swift programming language, which has now become a vital tool for app developers, was introduced under Federighi’s leadership. The language was designed to be more accessible and easier to learn than Objective-C.

16. Spearheaded macOS Integration with iOS

The seamless integration between macOS and iOS—features like Handoff and Continuity—are the result of Federighi’s vision for a more unified Apple ecosystem, making Apple’s devices work together more smoothly than ever.

17. Advocates for Inclusivity in Tech

Federighi is a vocal supporter of increasing diversity in the tech industry, emphasizing the need for more inclusive hiring practices to create a more balanced and innovative workforce.

18. Delivered the Most Software Updates in Apple History

Under Federighi’s tenure, Apple has seen more software updates and feature rollouts than any other period in its history. From new macOS versions to iOS, he has overseen the evolution of Apple’s core software offerings.

19. Federighi’s Design Input Extends Beyond Software

Although his official title is Senior Vice President of Software Engineering, Federighi has been known to contribute ideas to Apple’s hardware design teams, offering feedback on the user experience from a software perspective.

Craig Federighi onstage at an Apple Event. Craig is popular with Apple fans and consumers alike.Photo via 9to5Mac // Craig Federighi onstage at an Apple Event. Craig is popular with Apple fans and consumers alike.

20. Passionate About Privacy as a Human Right

Federighi’s emphasis on privacy doesn’t just stem from a corporate strategy—he’s repeatedly stated that privacy is a fundamental human right, and it’s a core part of how he envisions Apple’s role in the tech landscape.

I believe coding is fundamental to literacy in the future.— Craig Federighi

21. Fan of Retro Technology

Federighi has a soft spot for retro technology. He’s known to occasionally reference older tech and how it influenced modern advancements during his presentations.

22. Built a Team Known for Transparency

Under Federighi’s leadership, Apple’s software teams are known for their transparency—both internally and with the public. Federighi is dedicated to making sure that Apple’s software development is open and understood by its users.

23. One of the Few Apple Execs with an Active Social Media Presence

Unlike many of his colleagues at Apple, Federighi has an active social media presence. He’s known to engage with developers and fans alike, making him one of the more accessible Apple executives.

24. Known for His Energy During Presentations

Federighi’s boundless energy during Apple keynotes has earned him a reputation as one of the most entertaining speakers. His enthusiasm for software updates is often infectious, making even the most mundane features feel revolutionary.

25. Played a Key Role in the Transition to Apple Silicon

Federighi was instrumental in Apple’s transition from Intel processors to Apple’s own custom-built M1 and M2 chips, marking a significant shift in the company’s approach to hardware and software integration.

Federighi’s blend of technical brilliance, humor, and an almost theatrical stage presence has made him one of the most beloved figures at Apple today. Yet, beneath the playful jokes and high-energy presentations is a deeply committed engineer who has shaped the future of Apple’s software offerings. His influence on how we interact with technology daily—whether it’s through privacy features, seamless device integration, or the latest version of iOS—cannot be overstated.

In many ways, Federighi represents the human side of Apple’s tech machine. He’s the guy who can explain complex coding systems to a room full of developers and then crack a dad joke for the millions watching online. While his hair and humor might steal the show, it’s his technical prowess that continues to push Apple forward, making him a figure as dynamic as the software he oversees.

For a man so integral to Apple’s success, it’s no surprise that Craig Federighi’s fingerprints are on nearly every major software update in the last decade. But beyond the polished demos and smooth interfaces lies a person who is as passionate about privacy as he is about rock music—a fascinating combination that ensures Craig Federighi remains one of Apple’s most memorable and influential figures.

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